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   日期:2019-11-24     浏览:8    评论:0    
核心提示:《藏学学刊》(བོད་རིག་པའི་དུས་དེབ། Journal of Tibetan Studies)系中国教育部普通高等学校人文社会科学

《藏学学刊》(བོད་རིག་པའི་དུས་དེབ། Journal of Tibetan Studies)系中国教育部普通高等学校人文社会科学重点研究基地四川大学中国藏学研究所主办的藏学类专业性学术刊物,CSSCI(2014-2018)来源集刊,创刊于2004年,旨在搭建藏学研究的学术交流平台。从2014年开始,本刊由年刊改为半年刊,接受中、英文稿件,设有论文、书评、译文等栏目,热忱欢迎国内外藏学研究者惠赐稿件。来稿时请注意以下事项:

1. 来稿请注明字数并提供作者简介,包括姓名、出生年月、性别、民族、籍贯、职称、学位、工作单位、联系方式和主要研究方向等,其中姓名和工作单位名称请提供正确的英文译名。

2. 来稿必须为原创性作品,此前未经公开发表。严禁抄袭、剽窃和一稿多投,如有发现,将永不刊用该作者来稿。

3. 为保证文稿的准确性,电子版来稿须同时提供word和pdf两种文档格式并遵循本刊用稿规范(详见本所网页)。来稿字数不限,提倡言简意赅,以一万字左右为宜。

4. 本刊每期收稿截止日期为每年六月三十日和十二月三十日。该日期以后收到的稿件将纳入下一期的编辑工作。

5. 本刊取舍稿件惟以学术为标尺,并实行2-3名专家匿名审稿制度,根据专家审稿意见决定稿件取舍。本刊在尊重原作的前提下,有权对拟刊用稿件作必要的删改并告知作者,作者如果不同意对文稿作文字性修改或适当删节,请在来稿时予以说明。

6. 本刊所刊文章均为作者个人观点,不代表编辑部意见,文责由作者自负。

7. 本刊已加入期刊数字化网络系统,作者若无此意愿,请在来稿时注明,否则视为默许。

8. 稿件请直接投寄本刊编辑部。自寄稿之日起,若二个月内未接到用稿通知,可自行处理。来稿除图版原件外,一律不退稿,敬请作者谅解。

9. 本刊对刊用文稿将支付作者稿酬,并赠送样刊五册。

10. 本刊热诚欢迎国内外学者或编辑部与本刊建立资料互赠交流关系。

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电话/ 传真:+86-28-85412567

网 址:http://www.zangx.com

Call for Contributions

Founded in 2004, the Journal of Tibetan Studies (བོད་རིག་པའི་དུས་དེབ། 藏学学刊) is a peer-reviewed bilingual scholarly journal dedicated to publishing papers in the field of Tibetan Studies. Featuring articles and reviews in either Chinese or English, the journal is published biannually by the Center for Tibetan Studies of Sichuan University, Chengdu, PRC. The Journal of Tibetan Studies welcomes the submission of academic and unpublished (and original) work, including the Chinese translation of foreign research and serious, critical reviews of books or review articles, in any area of research that deals with the Tibetan cultural area.

Essential Guidelines:

1. The manuscript should contain information on the total number of words/characters and author's details, including the following information: (1) full name and institutional affiliation; (2) academic title; (3) contact information, (4) the primary field of research.

2. The Journal of Tibetan Studies has a zero-tolerance plagiarism policy.

3. Essays and reviews should be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word file and PDF format, using Unicode, to zangxuexuekan@163.com and conform to the style sheet of the Journal of Tibetan Studies that is found at the website of the institute. If this is not done, they will automatically be not considered for publication. There is no limit on the length of the manuscript, but we strongly encourage the manuscript to be concise with approximately 10,000 words in English or Chinese.

4. The deadline for the submission of articles and reviews is June 30 of each year. Articles and reviews received and accepted for publication after this date will be considered for the next issue.

5. The Journal of Tibetan Studies uses a double-blind review process. Each manuscript is sent to two or three referees for double-blind peer review. based on their recommendations, the editor then decides whether the manuscript will be accepted as is, whether it needs to be revised, or whether it will be rejected.

6. The views and opinions expressed in the articles and reviews are those of the author alone and do not reflect the views or opinions of the editor(s) or the editorial board. The author is responsible for his/her own views.

7. The journal is already part of the digital network of Chinese journals. If any author does not want to have his or her article published online, please note this upon submitting the manuscript. Otherwise, the editor will take it as tacitly granting permission to do so.

8. The manuscript should be directly submitted to the editor. If one has not received a notice of acceptance for publication within two months since the day the manuscript was submitted, it is within one’s discretion to submit the manuscript elsewhere for publication. Excepting the originals of maps, charts or photographs the editor will not return the manuscript to the author.

9. The journal will pay remuneration to the author and send five copies of the issue of the journal in which his or her article appears.

10. Scholars or editorial boards in China and abroad are warmly welcomed to establish a growing network of exchanging copies of journals with the editor of the Journal of Tibetan Studies .

Correspondence should be addressed to:

Dr. Zhang Changhong

Center for Tibetan Studies of Sichuan University

Chengdu, Sichuan Province

P.R. China


Email : zangxuexuekan@163.com

Tel/Fax: +86-28-8541 2567

Website: http://www.zangx.com


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