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   日期:2019-11-24     浏览:9    评论:0    
核心提示:《海洋史研究》是广东省社会科学院广东海洋史研究中心主办的学术辑刊, 为中国社会科学研究评价中心“中文社会科学引文索引(CSSC

《海洋史研究》是广东省社会科学院广东海洋史研究中心主办的学术辑刊, 为中国社会科学研究评价中心“中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI))”来源集刊。每年出版两辑, 由社会科学文献出版社(北京) 公开出版。

广东海洋史研究中心成立于2009年6月, 以广东省社会科学院历史研究所为依托, 聘请海内外著名学者担任学术顾问和客座研究员, 开展与国内外科研机构、高等院校的学术交流与合作, 致力于建构一个国际性海洋史研究基地与学术交流平台, 推动中国海洋史研究。本中心注重海洋史理论探索与学科建设, 以华南区域与南中国海海域为重心, 注重海洋社会经济史、海上丝绸之路史、东西方文化交流史, 海洋信仰、海洋考古与海洋文化遗产等重大问题研究, 建构具有区域特色的海洋史研究体系。同时, 立足历史, 关注现实, 为政府决策提供理论参考与资讯服务。为此, 本刊努力发表国内外海洋史研究的最近成果, 反映前沿动态和学术趋向, 诚挚欢迎国内外同行赐稿。

凡向本刊投寄的稿件必须为首次发表的论文, 请勿一稿两投。请直接通过电子邮件方式投寄, 并务必提供作者姓名、机构、职称和详细通信地址。

编辑部将在接获来稿两个月内向作者发出稿件处理通知, 期间欢迎作者向编辑部查询。

来稿统一由本刊学术委员会审定, 不拘中、英文, 正文注释统一采用页下脚注, 优秀稿件不限字数。

本刊刊载论文已经进入“知网”、发行进入全国邮局发行系统、征稿加入中国社会科学院全国采编平台, 相关文章版权、征订、投稿事宜按通行规则执行。

来稿一经采用刊登, 作者将获赠该辑书刊2册。


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Since 2010 the Studies of Maritime History has been issued per year under the auspices of the Centre for Maritime History Studies, Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences. It is indexed in CSSCI (Chinese Social Science Citation Index).

The Centre for Maritime History was established in June 2009, which relies on the Institute of History to carry out academic activities. We encourage social and economic history of South China and South China Sea, maritime trade, overseas Chinese history, maritime archeology, maritime heritage and other related fields of maritime research. The Studies of Maritime History is designed to provide domestic and foreign researchers of academic exchange platform, and published papers relating to the above.

The Studies of Maritime History welcomes the submission of manuscripts, which must be first published. Guidelines for footnotes and references are available upon request. Please specify the following on the manuscript: author’s English and Chinese names, affiliated institution, position, address and an English or Chinese summary of the paper.

Please send manuscripts by e-mail to our editorial board. Upon publication, authors will receive 2 copies of publications, free of charge.

Rejected manuscripts are not be returned to the author.

The articles in the Studies of Maritime History have been collected in CNKI. The journal has been issued by post office. And the contributions have been incorporated into the National Collecting and Editing Platform of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. All the copyright of the articles, issue and contributions of the journal obey the popular rule.

Manuscripts should be addressed as follows:

Editorial Board Studies of Maritime History

Centre for Maritime History Studies

Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences

510630, No. 618 T ianhebei Road, Guangzhou, P. R. C.

E-mail: hysyj@aliyun.com

Tel: 86-20-38803162


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