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   日期:2019-11-24     浏览:16    评论:0    
核心提示:《癌症生物学与医学(英文版)》投稿指南Instructions for AuthorsMANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONPresubmission InquiriesAuthors intere


Instructions for Authors


Presubmission Inquiries

Authors interested in getting rapid feedback on whether a manuscript is likely to be published in Cancer Biology & Medicine are encouraged to send inquiries by e-mail (editor@cancerbiomed.org). The inquiries should at least include an abstract and significant figures and tables. A paper that is invited for submission after a presubmission inquiry is still subject to editorial review to assess for external peer review.

online Submission

We encourage authors to submit manuscripts via our online submission and tracking system: http://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/cbm. Please avoid sending your manuscript by e-mail attachment.

Questions and required documents in submission process:

● Manuscript type

● Manuscript title

● Running title with no more than 10 words

● Full names including first and middle names of all authorsshould be provided, the affiliation of everyone, as well as thee-mail address of corresponding author(s) should be also included

● Abstract is the sketch of core content of the whole paper,particularly, it should offer the purpose of the study, themethods used, and results and conclusions in an original article.References could not appear in abstract, also, abbreviations andacronyms should be avoided

● At least 5 keywords should be provided on the maininformation of the paper

● A cover letter should be uploaded along with the paper (seemore details below)

● The approval from an ethics committee should be offered whenthe paper, especially original article, refers to clinical trials

● Upload PDFs or other files for Supplementary Data (if applicable)

● Answers to some other questions such as listing the reviewers recommended by author(s) and so on.

Our online submission system will prompt you to upload the components of your manuscript (cover letter, text, figures, supplemental data, etc.) as separate files. Upon completion of this step, the website will build a composite PDF file of your entire manuscript. Authors are responsible to check the format of manuscript and quality of figures in the converted PDF file and approve the submission.

Cover Letter

Each submission must be accompanied by a cover letter, which should contain the following information:

The title and a brief summary of the significant findings or points of the manuscript.

A statement of exclusive submission and no plagiarism or other misconducts.

A statement that the manuscript has been read and approved for submission by all the authors.

The name, address, and telephone number of the corresponding author.

Suggestions for appropriate reviewers and reviewer exclusions.

Status Inquiries

Authors can check the status of the submitted manuscripts at any time in the review process by accessing the system with their account and password. Please feel free to send status queries to the editor@cancerbiomed.org.

Revision Submission 

The revised version of manuscript should be submitted within two months after authors receive the reviewers comments. Please contact the editor if extra time is needed for revision. The journal generally allows only one round of revision. Except for the revisions, authors should upload a point-by-point response to the reviewers’ comments. Please do not upload revised manuscripts as new submissions.


Original Article

Original Articles report significant new findings or important clinical experience in cancer area, which have valuable implications.

● 300-word abstract

● 6,000 words of text

● 50 references or more

● 8 figures and/or tables in maximum

● Results and Discussion must not be combined.

● Additional display items may be published as supplementary information.


Editorials are usually invited, commenting on the leading-edge discoveries in cancer research and significant advances on cancer diagnosis and treatment.

● 3,000 words of text

● 10 references or more

● 3 figures and/or tables in maximum


Perspectives present a viewpoint on an important area of research and are written only at the invitation of the Editorial Board. Perspectives focus on a specific field or subfield within a larger discipline and discuss current advances and future directions, sometimes with personal insights.

● 3,500 words of text

● 10 references or more

● 3 figures and/or tables in maximum


Reviews discuss recent progress on topics of broad interest to cancer researchers or cancer care professionals. Solicited reviews will also be sent out for peer review.

● 250-word abstract

● 7,000 words of text

● 75 references or more

● 7 figures and/or tables in maximum


Minireviews are shorter reviews, usually based on recently published original studies. Solicited minireviews will also be sent out for peer review.

● 200-word abstract

● 4,000 words of text

● 50 references or more

● 5 figures and/or tables in maximum

Letter to the Editor

Readers are encouraged to comment on articles published in Cancer Biology & Medicine, via Letters to the Editor. Letters to the editor will not undergo peer review.

● A Letter should clearly indicate the original source.

● Response to a Letter should reference the Letter in the first paragraphs and its title should include the Letter title.

● 500 words of text

● 5 references or more

Case Report

Case Reports introduce new, rare or typical cancer cases. The features, diagnosis or treatment of these cases should have valuable implications and provide practical information for clinicians.

● 100-word abstract

● 1,000 words of text

● 10 references or more

● 7 figures and/or tables maximum

● Including 3 sections, namely Introduction, Case Report, andDiscussion

Meeting Report

Meeting Report presents essence of important cancer conferences or symposia all over the world, such manuscripts should contain novel information and insightful views of the meeting and should be submitted within three months of the meeting date.

● 100-word abstract

● 3,000 words of text

● 10 references or more

● 5 figures and/or tables maximum

Practice Guideline

Practice Guidelines introduce consensuses or clinical guidelines produced by international authoritative groups or societies about cancer.


Authors should prepare their manuscripts according to the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals established by the ICMJE (http://www.icmje.org) (http://www.icmje.org). The editors have the right to return manuscripts that are not in accordance with the journal’s policies and format requirements. Manuscripts must be written in concise and fluent English. It is suggested that authors have their manuscript reviewed by colleagues and/or by professional English language editing services before submission.

The manuscript of observational and experimental articles should include title page, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgements, conflict of interest statement, references, figures, tables, and supplementary information. All pages of the manuscript should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page.

Title Page

Title Key information should be included in the title, which enables electronic retrieval of the article both sensitive and specific. The title should not contain any abbreviations except for commonly used gene or protein acronyms. The total length of the title should not exceed 20 words.

Authors and AffiliationsMultiple first-authorships are acceptable and should be indicated. Multiple senior authors are also acceptable but only one should be designated as corresponding person for timely communication between authors and the journal. The name, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author should be indicated clearly. Numbers in superscript should be used to indicate the department, institution, city with postal code and country, for each author.

Author ContributionCancer Biology & Medicine requires a statement specifying the contributions of every author on the title page.

Source(s) of SupportAny support in the form of grants, equipment, drugs, or all of these should be claimed.

Running Title A running title of no more than 10 words is required.


This should be a single paragraph of about 250 words, accurately reflecting the content of the article. Abbreviations and reference citation should be avoided in the abstract. The abstract should describe all key novel findings of the study. Structured abstracts (Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion) are preferred for original research articles. For articles on clinical trials, items identified by the ConSORT group should be provided and the trial registration number should be listed at the end of the abstract.


Authors should list keywords (up to five) which reflect the key information of the article. Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) should be used as a guide (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html).


Mainland China

Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital,

Huan-hu-xi Road, He-xi District, Tianjin 300060, China

Tel: 8622-23522919

Fax: 8622-23522919

E-mail: editor@cancerbiomed.org

Website: www.cancerbiomed.org


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