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   日期:2019-11-24     浏览:76    评论:0    



The journal Heritage was founded in 2018 by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences at SUSTech. It is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal of interdisciplinary nature. In accordance with the definition of heritage given by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the journal has a focus on critical heritage studies, heritage and everyday life, heritage and modernity, heritage and East-West cultural interactions, heritage and technology, heritage and material culture, heritage and traditional culture, and other interdisciplinary studies. The Heritage is aimed at professionals, scholars and students in the fields of philosophy, history, archaeology, sociology, anthropology, folklore studies, heritage studies, literature, cultural studies and political science.




The Center for Social Sciences and its Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences held an international forum in June, 2019, titled “Heritage: Theory and Practice,” to celebrate the inaugural ceremony of the journal, Heritage. The journal plans to publish two issues in 2019, each containing 30 papers. It is striving to become an influential journal in heritage studies.



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