Information for Authors
SCIENCE CHINA Materials (SCMs) is an international peer-reviewed journal that covers all aspects of materials science. The journal is supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and co-sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. It is jointly published monthly in both printed and electronic forms by Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Gmb H Germany, part of Springer Nature.
The mission of SCIENCE CHINA Materials is to encourage communication of high quality, innovative research results at the cutting-edge interface of materials science with chemistry, physics, biology and engineering, especially focusing on breakthroughs made by Chinese and international scientists, and it is aimed to become a world-leading academic journal of materials science.
Categories of contribution accepted for the journal are Research Letters, Articles, Reviews, Perspectives, Concepts and Highlights. Contributions to all sections are usually written on invitation; however, authors are welcome to submit unsolicited articles. only manuscripts in English are accepted.
Contact Information
Editorial Office, SCIENCE CHINA Materials
16 Donghuangchenggen North Street, Beijing 100717, China
Tel: +86-10-64011971
Fax: +86-10-64016350
E-mail: materials@scichina.org
Manuscript Submission
The manuscript should be submitted online via the journal’s website at http://mater.scichina.com or http://www.springer.com/materials/journal/40843, or directly through the Scholar One Manuscript System (http://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/scms). Complete instructions and an overview of the electronic online submission process are available through the general submission site.
In order to submit a manuscript, the authors will need a single Microsoft Word (recommended), or PDF file that contains the text, all figures and tables, and any Supporting Information associated with the manuscript. A manuscript template is available at the journal’s homepage (http://mater.scichina.com). If the authors preferred not to use the template, the manuscript file should be formatted as double-spaced, single-column text without justification. Manuscript format should follow this order when typing manuscripts: graphical Table of Contents, title page, abstract, main text, acknowledgements, author contributions, references, tables, figure captions, and figures, cover figure (encouraged).
A detail instruction for preparation of manuscript is available at the journal’s homepage (http://mater.scichina.com)
To help speed the review process, authors are requested to provide a list of potential reviewers and may request the exclusion of particular reviewers. Each manuscript should also be accompanied by a cover letter that summarizes the main findings of the work and its novelty.