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   日期:2019-11-24     浏览:9    评论:0    
核心提示:《中国药理学报(英文版)》作者指南APS Instruction for AuthorsAPS encourages submissions from all aspects of pharmacology


APS Instruction for Authors

APS encourages submissions from all aspects of pharmacology and the related areas, both experimental and clinical, from any part of the world. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to, anticancer pharmacology, cardiovascular and pulmonary pharmacology, neuropharmacology, immunopharmacology and inflammation, clinical pharmacology,drug discovery, gastrointestinal and hepatic pharmacology,genitourinary, renal and endocrine pharmacology, molecular and cellular pharmacology, pharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics.

Prior to submission

Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the“Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals”, as presented at http://www.ICMJE.org.

A manuscript will be considered for publication on the understanding that all named authors have agreed to its submission and that if accepted it will not be later published in the same or similar form in any language without the consent of the publishers.

Duplicate publications are not accepted. Manuscripts are considered with the understanding that they have not been published previously in print or electronic format and are not under consideration by another publication or electronic medium. Copies of possibly duplicative materials that have been previously published or are being considered else where must be provided at the time of manuscript submission.

The editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts without review. Such rejections are intended to alleviate unnecessary workload for the editorial board, as well as provide authors the opportunity to seek other publishing options as soon as possible. Articles that are selected for peer review will be reviewed by two or more referees.

To avoid unnecessary delays in the review process, please consider the following policies carefully before you submit your manuscript. Manuscripts that are not concise or do not conform to the conventions and standards of APS will be returned to the authors.

Content types

The content types accepted by APS are Editorial, Research Highlight, Perspective, Review, Original Article, and Letter to the Editor.


Editorial articles are written by the editor(s) of the journal or by the guest editor(s) of thematic special features based on the contents of the current issue or topical subjects that fall with in the scope of the journal.

Research Highlight

The Research Highlight section of APS provides a forumin which relevant scientific news as reported in recently published articles can be communicated to its readers.


Perspective articles present personal, forward-looking, or speculative reviews of a scientific topic. This is a commission only section.


Review articles survey recent developments in a topical area of pharmacological research. Reviews have a word limit of 8000 words excluding references. A number of Reviews will be solicited by the editors; however, we also welcome timely, unsolicited Reviews based primarily on authors’ own research work.

Original Article

Original articles on all aspects of pharmacology and related areas, both experimental and clinical, are welcome. Studies should be of high scientific quality and interest to the divers ereadership of the journal. The chemical structure of new compounds (or a citation to the published structure) must be given. Studies lacking mechanistic insight are not encouraged.

Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor section presents preliminary reports of unusual urgency, significance and interest. They should contain no more than 1000 words of text, one display item(figure or table) and a maximum of 10 references. Letters to the Editor do not contain an abstract.

Preparation of manuscripts

All papers should be written in concise English but should contain sufficient detail to illustrate how the results were obtained. Manuscripts should be double-spaced with wide margins.

Manuscripts should contain a statement to the effect that all human studies have been reviewed by the appropriate ethics committee or it should be stated clearly in the text that all persons gave their informed consent prior to their in clusion in the study. Details that might disclose the identity of the subjects under study should be omitted. Authors should also draw attention to the Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki, 1964, as revised in 2004).

When reporting the results from experiments on animals indicate whether the experiments were conducted according to the National Research Council’s guidelines. Indicate the grade of the animals and give the certificate number of the animal breeder. Rats and mice of at least Grade II can be reported.The sex, age, and measured body weights of tested animals or humans should be expressed as mean, standard deviation, and total range.

Article sections

In general, manuscripts should be divided into the following sections: Title page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, Author contribution, References, Tables, Figures, and Supplementary information.

Title page

The title page carries the title, the authors, the authors’affiliations, and footnotes.

Title: The title must be informative, specific, and brief (<120 characters, including spaces). Words should be chosen carefully for retrieval purposes. All nonfunctional words should be deleted, such as “studies on”, ”observations of”, and ”roles of”, etc.

Authors: Authors should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content. Authorship should be based on all of the following conditions: 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) involve ment in drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version tobe published. Any changes in authorship must be approved by all authors. Capitalize all the letters in the surname, spell out the given name in full, and include a hyphen between the syllables of Chinese names. For example: Jin-an LI, Ji-nanOU-YANG, Noboru YANAIHARA, Theo Anthonie VAN DERHOEVEN, Kenneth Patrick DU BOIS, Paul Vincent HARPERJr, and John Davison ROCKEFELLER III.


The Abstract should be in non-structured form (<300 words).Concisely describe the content and scope of the writing.Highlight the major points covered. Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study. The abstract should briefly state: the objective (the purpose of the research), design,subjects, interventions, the main outcomes or measures (how the problem was studied), results (the principal findings),and conclusion (what the findings mean). Provide logical connections between them


A list of 3–10 keywords should be given below the Abstract,each separated by a semicolon (;). Use terms recommended by the US National Library of Medicine’s Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) browser list at http://www.ncbi.nlm.gov/mesh. For example: brain ischemia (not cerebral ischemia),cardiomegaly (not heart hypertrophy), neoplasm (not cancer),immuno his to chemistry (not immunocy to chemistry).

If a suitable MeSH term is not available, a more general term suitable for indexing may be used. Do not use unqualified and unhelpful terms such as ”organic compounds” and ”animal experiments.”

Author contribution

Authors must indicate their specific contributions to the published work. Examples of designations include: XXXdesigned research; XXX performed research; XXX contributed new reagents or analytic tools; XXX analyzed data; XXX wrote the paper. An author may list more than one contribution, and more than one author may have contributed to the same aspect.

Authors should:

Include a text summary (no more than 50 words) todescribe the contents of each file.

Identify the types of files (file formats) submitted.

Include the text ‘Supplementary information is availableat (APS)’s website’ at the end of the article and before thereferences.

File sizes must be as small as possible, so that they can be downloaded quickly. Images should not exceed 640×480 pixels (9×6.8 inches at 72 pixels per inch) but we would recommend 480×360 pixels as the maximum frame size for movies. We would also recommend a frame rate of 15 frames per second. If applicable to the presentation of the supplementary information, use a 256-color palette. Please consider the use of lower specification for all of these points ifthe supplementary information can still be represented clearly.Our recommended maximum data rate is 150 kB/s.

The number of files should be limited to eight, and the totalfile size should not exceed 8 MB. Individual files should notexceed 1 MB. Please seek advice from the editorial officebefore sending files larger than our maximum size to avoiddelays in publication.

Submission of papers

The first thing you need to do, if you have not done soalready, is register for an account on our online submission and review system with Scholar One Manuscript Central(http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/aphs). After this, please consult the User Guide to enable you to submit your article through our secure server. Please be sure that your browser is set to accept cookies. Our tracking system requires cookies for proper operation. (If you have Windows XP the defaults will need changing. For more details on this, please refer to the‘Tips’ function on this site.)

Upon receipt of the manuscript, a letter acknowledging receipt will be sent to the corresponding author. After being pre-reviewed by the editors, most of the submitted manuscripts will be sent to expert referees for peer-review. All manuscripts are subject to editorial modifications. APS disclaims any liability for statements made by authors or advertisers.

Editorial Office correspondence

294 Tai-yuan Road, Shanghai 200031, China

E-mail aps@simm.ac.cn

Phn 86-21-5492-2821 or 86-21-5492-2822

Fax 86-21-5492-2823


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