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   日期:2019-11-24     浏览:6    评论:0    
核心提示:《力学学报(英文版)》作者指南Authors GuideEach of the sections below provides essential information for authors. We rec


Authors Guide

Each of the sections below provides essential information for authors. We recommend that you take the time to read them before submitting a contribution to Acta Mechanica Sinica. We hope our guide to authors may help you navigate to the appropriate section.

1. Formats for Acta Mechanica Sinica contributions

Acta Mechanica Sinica's sections for original research including 3 catalogues:

(1) Invited articles.

(2) Full length paper.

(3) Discussion.

The key ideas for sections are shown as below

• Invited Articles

- Themed articles: forward- looking themes with great potential are particularly expected.

- Distinguished individual scholars.

- Advances of China key projects in mechanics and mechanics- based engineering.

• Full Length Papers

- High quality

- Original papers, with clear creative results

- In depth

- Abstract: well- written, background, contents, significance and potential application.

- Introduction: well documents others, references, clear definition of the problem studied and its key role in the field.

- Conclusions: well written, sound, kept short and must be fully supported by the results reported, include the major conclusions, the limitations of the work and the future work.

- References: including ActaMechanicaSinica and other journals publications belongs to The Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.

• Discussions

- Editor- in- Chief makes the final decision on Discussion.

- Editor- in- Chief decides the multiple round controversy.

- Discussion on the papers published beyond 4 months will not be accepted.

2. How to prepare a submission

Five parts should be included in your submission, which are full paper (full text, figures, tables and supplementary information), highlight, cover letter, copyright transfer statement (CTS) and a name list of recommended referees

Highlights should be submitted as a separate file. Please adhere to the specifications as: (a) Include 3 to 5 highlights. (b) There should be a maximum of 90 characters, including spaces, per highlight. (c) only the core results of the paper should be covered.

Copyright transfer statement (CTS). Authors can download the CTS from the Instruction and Form, and make sure all the authors sign the form. The manuscript will not be published without the CTS.

Submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter stating briefly to tell the content of the submission. The cover letter should also specify if there are pictures needed printed colorfully.

Also, with your submission, 4 referees who are experts on the subject matter should be included. Notice: experts recommended are not your close colleagues, the ones working in your affiliation or your cooperator. Please consider including younger individuals who, while possibly less well known, are sufficiently knowledgeable to be effective referees. Manuscript materials should be submitted via the journal’s online system via http://ams.cstam.org.cn.

3. Alternate Format of the Papers

In view of the breadth of the topics covered, it is desirable that papers published are written with clarity and conciseness so that they are accessible to readers from different disciplines.To promote more effective interdisciplinary exchanges, the Editors have decided to encourage an alternate format of the paper besides that adopted currently.  Specifically, we encourage that the main text, including all figures, tables and references, are within 6 printed pages, with supporting materials offered as supplement. Manuscripts using the new, alternate format will be reviewed in expedited manners.    

4. Manuscript formatting guide

• General remarks

Notice that manuscripts submitted should be written in MS Word2003 template and LaTeX template.

• Title page

- A concise and informative title

- The name(s) of the author(s)

- The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s)

- The e- mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the communicating author

• Abstract

Each paper must be preceded by a succinct abstract summarizing the most important results and conclusions.

• References

- The list of References should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications should only be mentioned in the text.

- In the text, references should be cited by number in a square bracket (e.g. [1], or [1- 4]) and listed in numerical order in the reference list.

- References such as ‘‘personal communications’’ or ‘‘unpublished data’’ can not be included in the reference list, but should be mentioned in the text in parentheses; this also applies to papers presented at meetings but not yet published or accepted for publication. A date should be given for both ‘‘personal communications’’ and ‘‘unpublished data’’.

- Authors more than 4 should be replaced by the et al.

- Journal’s name should beabbreviated, you could find the abbreviated name at http://www.cas.org/content/references/corejournals .


• Journal articles:

Dyall, K.G.: Relative and nonrelative finite nucleus optimized double zeta basis sets for the elements. Theor. Chem. Acc. 99, 366- 371 (1998)

• Books:

Larcher, W.: Physiological Plant Ecology, (3rd edn). Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York (1995)

• Multi- author books:

• Hovind, H.J.: Traumatic birth injuries. In: Raimondi AJ, Choux M, Di Rocco C (eds) Head injuries in the newborn and infant. (Principles of pediatric neurosurgery) Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 87- 109 (1986)

5. Several publications, plagiarism

If one article contributed for several publications, plagiarism, author will take full responsibility of all consequences. Acta Mechanica Sinica will refuse the author’s manuscript for 3- 5 years.

6 . Publication Fee

After the paper is accepted, the author(s) will be charged a publication fee for the article’s processing. Payment procedure will be notified to the author through e-mail before its publication in print.


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