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   日期:2019-11-24     浏览:10    评论:0    
核心提示:《国际泥沙研究(英文版)》格式要求Manuscript Format Title Page1. TitleOnly the first letter ofthe first word and proper no


Manuscript Format


>     Title Page

1. Title

only the first letter ofthe first word and proper nouns should be capitalized.

For example, "Phosphorus forms and distribution in the Zhejiang coastal sediment in the East China Sea".

2.Author names and affiliations

Use full names, but not initials, for all the authors' names. The author's given name should be written before sumame, and only the first letter of surname or given name should be capitalized. The corresponding author must be clearly indicated with an asterisk (*).

For the affiliations, if the authors are from the same affiliation, then the same superscript (a, b, c...) should be marked on each author's name.

>   Subsections

Subsections should be consecutively numberedl. (then l.1., 1.2., 1.3., ...), 2., 3., etc. But the abstract is not included in section numbering. In subsection titles, only the first letter of the first word and proper nouns should be capitalized.

For example, "1. Introduction; 2. Material and methods; 3. Results; 4. Discussion; 5. Conclusions" and "2.1. Data collection;

2.2. Modeling with Saint-Venant equations".

>  Figures

1. Original figures should be in high quality with the resolut;ion of 600dpi and saved asfilename.tif or filename.jpg. The figures can also be made by Microsoft excel.

2. Figures should be in the proper size, less than 8 cm or 16 cm in width, and less than 24 cm in height. When making a figure, please set the size first, then write down words, numbers, symbols, etc.

3. Use a normal, uniform font (Times New Roman, 9 points, no bold, no italics) for all the words and numbers in figures.

4. only the first letter of the first word in line one should be capitalized, except proper nouns.

5.1fthere is an axis system in the figure, the coordinate line and coordinate point should be drawn in bold.

6. Lines in the figure should be clear and in black with medium line thickness.

7. If the number is larger than 1000, each group of three digits should be separated by a comma. For instance,  1630000 should be written as l,630,000.

8. The unit in axis titles should be enclosed in parentheses, for example, "Flow discharge (m3/s)".

9. The background of figures should be deleted.

10. If there are 2 subfigures in one figure, it's suggested to place one on the left side, and the other on the right side. The width of each subfigure should be less than 8 cm. If there are 4 subfigures (abcd), then it's suggested to place subfigure a on the top left side, b on the top right side, c on the bottom left side, and d on the bottom right side.

11. Color figures and color photographs are recommended to be printed in color. When there is a clear need to use color printing, authors should provide color figures in high quality with the resolution of at least 300dpi, and pay 200USD for each figure. If the authors don't intend to print the figures in color, they should revise the figures to make all the details distinguishable in grayscale.

>   Tables

1. Use a normal, uniform font (Times New Roman, 9 points, no bold, no italics) for all the words and numbers in tables.

2. only the first letter of the first word in line one should be capitalized, except proper nouns.

3. If the number is larger than 1000, each group of three digits should be separated by a comma. For instance,  1630000 should be written as l,630,000.


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